What is Leverage in Forex Trading: How Forex Brokers Affect Your Potential

One of the most powerful weapons in the business of forex is leverage, an opportunity as much as it presents a risk: traders can control higher positions in the market with significantly less capital than if they went naked. To be more simple, leverage merely amplifies all the possibilities regarding your potential gains and your probability of losing more. The significance of understanding this, along with the role a forex broker plays regarding the use of leverage, stands paramount for traders hoping to swim the forex pool.

Leverage is therefore a measure of a trader’s margin in relation to the size of the particular trade. For example, if a broker offers you a leverage of 100:1, then for every dollar that is placed as margin, you can manage a position to $100. This sounds pretty attractive because you can take a bigger position with less capital. However, it also means that small price movements can bring about bigger gains or bigger losses.


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It is primarily the role of brokers to set the leverage that one will get on a trading basis. Leverage levels available can depend on what policies are followed by the broker as well as region regulations that it is bound by. For example, for regulated U.S.-based Commodity Futures Trading Commission brokers, major currency pairs are leveraged up to 50:1. However, a broker located in another region, such as Europe or an offshore jurisdiction, may offer a leverage of up to 500:1, or even higher.

High leverage could be dangerous, but has possibly greater profit. A trader can easily be washed out and lose a big percentage of his capital within a short period when the market shifts against him. One has to be sure when taking the leverage because one has to know the amount of risk one is willing to face. Leverage, if not understood well, can become a nightmare for traders especially when the market goes against the trader’s expectation.

Consider leverage ratios and accounts to suit trading. Some would choose lower leverage accounts to help lower the risks for volatile pairs while others can try higher to earn more out of their respective earnings, but one can only guess because the bigger leverage is a need for sterner risk management; otherwise, just setting orders would be ineffective and not considered at all since potential losses become important.

The brokers also have a say when it comes to the usage of leverage in real life situations. Some brokers have adopted a concept of “flexible leverage” which is a feature whereby a trader can set the amount of leverage depending on the trading size or the trader’s risk tolerance level. Others may give extended fixed leverage levels to all clients. It is important to understand the broker’s leverage policies and any additional margin requirements they may impose, which will affect your trading decisions.

One has to look into a forex broker that is not only good on leverage ratio but also very transparent and fair with regards to margin calls. Margin calls occur when your account balance goes below the margin required and a broker calls upon you to put more money into the account so as to continue with your position. Some brokers are more aggressive in issuing margin calls, which can lead to forced liquidation of positions at unfavorable prices. Thus, it is very important to choose a broker with clear policies and a reputation for fair practices.

Leverage is a double-edged sword in forex trading. While it can significantly enhance your potential profits, it comes with increased risks. Understanding how leverage works and how brokers set their policies will allow you to make informed decisions and manage risk better in your trading strategy.

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Ishu is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechFavs.
